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Sunday 6 September 2015

Photo Of The Day: Watermelon in Cow Form

Obviously, we all know watermelon has essential nutrients for healthy growth, but have you thought of using it as decor during parties.
 Well watch the picture above carefully and try it next time.

Read below 4 reasons you need to consume watermelon everyday
1. It soothes sore muscles.
Drinking watermelon juice before a hard workout helped reduce athletes' heart rate and next-day muscle soreness. That's because watermelon is rich in an amino acid that helps relax blood vessels and improve circulation.
2. It helps heart health.
Postmenopausal women experienced improved cardiovascular health after six weeks of taking commercially available watermelon extract supplements containing citrulline and arginine.
3. It could be a natural Viagra.
Improved circulation can benefit more than just the heart, as at least one watermelon research has pointed out. But you'd probably have to eat an awful lot to achieve the desired effect--and eating too much could cause unfortunate side effects, since watermelon has long had a reputation as a natural diuretic.
4. It's rich in vitamins and minerals, but low in calories.
Given its name, you might assume the fruit has little nutritional value—and it is more than 90 percent water. But a 10-ounce (300-mL) wedge of watermelon packs in about one-third of the recommended daily value of vitamin A and C, as well as a modest amount of potassium (9 percent of the daily value).

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