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Friday 25 September 2015

10 simple ways for you to relax in Ghana right now!

Ghana can stress you out if you allow it to.
With the issues of the country almost going HIPC again the looming judicial bomb, ECG problems and whatnot, it's easy to get worked up in the current state of the country we live in.
 And to help you overcome such possible stress, here are the top ten way to de-stress in Ghana so you're not in distress.
See what I did there?
1. Make time to breath
Close your eyes and take a moment to focus on your breathing. Take 3 deep breaths. With every inhale, breathe in peace and serenity. With every exhale, breathe out your worries and any stress.
2. Be giving
Get up off the couch or chair. Smile. Go and gift someone a friendly hug. It will make both you, and them, feel better.
3. Don't be hard on yourself
Stop judging yourself and comparing yourself with others. There will always be someone who is smarter, prettier, funnier, skinnier, richer, better or any other characteristic that you are putting yourself down due to comparisons. Be grateful for who you are. Accept that there is nothing ‘wrong’ with you. We’re all, simply, different. 
4. Treat yourself
Gift yourself a mini self-massage. Starting at your wrists, gently knead all the way up your arms, onto your shoulders and around the back of your neck. Very gently ‘pitter patter’ your finger tips all over your face and head, making a conscious effort to avoid your delicate eye area. As you are practicing this self-massage be grateful for every part of your body and practice ‘kind self-talk’ by thanking your body for all that it is and for all that it has the potential to be.
5. Set realistic goals

Be realistic with your to-do list. Your entire world is not going to come crashing down upon you if you don’t get everything ‘ticked off’. Do what you can with the time you have.
6. Quit bitching
Before you open your mouth, ask “is it kind?”, “is it necessary?”  If it’s a YES to both, then go for it. If it’s a NO to either one of the questions, then keep quiet. Do this for the next two weeks and see the difference in your life, and the way in which people interact with you.
7. Switch off your device
Spend less time on your digital devices and more time opening your eyes to connect with the beauty of your surrounds. Gaze up at the beautiful blue sky, and the birds flying by. Admire the vibrant colour of flowers, and trees blowing in the wind. Connect back with nature. Walk barefoot on the earth.
8. Conclude less. Question more.
Every time you catch yourself jumping to a conclusion, STOP.  Irrespective of how small the conclusion is. Whether it’s “I’m going to be late for work.” or “I’ll never get there in time.” or “my back hurts” or “x, y or z is wrong with me” or “it won’t be good enough” or “they won’t like it” or “I’ll never go there, do that, or be able to achieve that” or “that only happens to ‘other’ people” or “I’m too old” or “I’m too young” or any of the other zillion conclusions that you may make during the day. Please stop jumping to conclusions. Instead, ask questions.
9. Be silent and still 
Find a quiet spot in a nearby park. Take your shoes off and connect your body with the earth. Lay on the grass and look up at the sky and clouds. I love this practice, as it helps to remind me how insignificant most of the ‘stuff’ we worry about in life is, and how expansive, beautiful and infinite the universe is. 
10. Let it all out
If frustration levels are really that bad, find a pillow. Scream every profanity that you would like to get ‘off your chest’ in to the pillow. I am yet to be able to do this without laughing at myself afterwards. It’s a winner for letting go the burden of stress both ‘physically’ and ‘emotionally’.
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